Kamus SMS
Wednesday, October 15 2003 @ 07:37 AM dibaca :: 4507 kali
BEBERAPA contoh dari kamus SMS bisa terlihat di bawah ini:t work (Sedang kerja)
2bctnd = To be continued (Bersambung)
2g4u = Too good for you (Terlalu bagus untukmu)
2Ht2Hndl = Too hot to handle (Tak bisa dipegang)
2l8 = Too late (Terlambat)
4yeo = For your eyes only (Rahasia)
AAM = As a matter of fact (Sebenarnya)
AML = All my love (Seluruh cintaku)
ATB = All the best (Yang terbaik)
ATW = At the weekend (Di akhir pekan)
B4 = Before (Sebelum)
BBS = Be back soon (Segera kembali)
BF = Boy Friend (Pacar)
BMW = Be my wife (Maukah kau jadi istriku)
BTW = By the way (Ngomong-nomong)
Cm = Call me (Telepon aku)
Cu = See you (Sampai jumpa)
Cul = See you later (Sampai ketemu lagi)
Dk = Don’t know (Tak tahu)
Dur? = Do you remember (Kau ingat?)
EOL = End of lecture (Akhir perkuliahan)
F? = Friends (Kawan)
F2F = Face to face (Berhadapan)
F2T = Free to talk (Bebas Bicara)
FYI = For your information (Sebagai informasi)
GF = Girlfirend (Pacar)
Gr8 = Great (bagus)
GTSY = Glad to see you (Senang bertemu denganmu)
h2cus = Hope to see you soon (Kuharap kita akan segera bertemu lagi)
H8 = Hate (Benci)
HAGN = Have a good night (Selamat tidur)
HAND = Have a nice day (Selamat bersenang-senang)
HldMeCls = Hold me close (Peluk aku erat-erat)
IDK = I dont know (Aku tak tahu)
IMI = I mean it (Aku sungguh-sungguh)
IUSS = If you say so (Baiklah)
J4F = Just for fun (Sekadar bersenang-senang)
JstCllMe = Just call me (Telepon saja aku)
KC = Keep cool (jangan langsung marah) KHUF = know how you feel (aku mengerti perasaanmu)
KIT = Keep in touch (hubungi aku terus)
KOTC = Kiss on the cheek (Cium pipi)
KOTL = Kiss on the lips (Cium bibir)
L8r = Later (Nanti)
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